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Green Jobs

About Green Job

India is keen to attempt to work towards a low carbon emission pathway while simultaneously endeavouring to meet all the developmental challenges. The Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) is taking forward the Prime Minister’s vision of a sustainable lifestyle and climate justice to protect the poor and vulnerable from adverse impacts of climate change. India’s INDC centres around its policies and programmes on promotion of clean energy, especially renewable energy, enhancement of energy efficiency, development of less carbon intensive and resilient urban centres, promotion of waste to wealth, safe, smart and sustainable green transportation network, abatement of pollution and India’s efforts to enhance carbon sink through creation of forest and tree cover. India, at COP 21 in Paris, declared a voluntary goal of reducing the emissions intensity of its GDP by 33–35%, over 2005 levels by 2030. 

India has adopted several ambitious measures for clean and renewable energy, energy efficiency in various sectors of industries, achieving lower emission intensity in the automobile and transport sector, non-fossil based electricity generation and building sector based on energy conservation. Thrust on Renewable Energy, Promotion of Clean Energy, Enhancing Energy Efficiency, Developing Climate resilient Urban Centres and Sustainable Green Transport Network are some of the measures for achieving this goal.

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The Indian INDC brings a huge responsibility on the country and equal opportunities before green business and poses skilled manpower requirement towards creation of a Green Economy. The Green Economy is no longer an aspirational phrase but a compelling way of sustainable living, driven by, widely accepted, citizens’ concerns over Environment, Climate Change, Water and Waste and having an articulated road map, in the form of INDC’s that form part of the Paris Agreement.