About Sector


About Apparel Sector

The Textile Industry or Apparel Industry is primarily related with the design & production of Yarn, Cloth, Clothing & their distribution. The raw material that is used may be natural or synthetic using products of the Chemical Industry. Reasons to Invest:The Indian Accounting Industry accounts for about 24 % of the world’s spindle capacity & 8% of global rotor capacity. India comes on second largest manufacturing capacity Globally. 

India accounts for about 14% of the World’s production of textile fiber & yarn & is the largest producer of Jute & the second largest producer of Skill & Cotton. Increased Insertion of organized retail , favorable demographics & rising Income Levels to drive textile demand. Abundant Raw- Material & Increasing demand for exports to boost fiber Production. Abundant availability of raw-material such as cotton, wool, silk & Jute. India enjoys a comparative advantage in terms of skilled manpower & cost of production over major textile producers.

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